Sunday, November 28, 2010

Are Reality Shows Good Television?

Do you consider a reality show good television? Many people enjoy spending hours in front of a television watching the lives of other people, while theirs passes by. You would think that why would anyone want to watch a reality television show when they can do something more or at least find something better to watch on television. For the simple fact that people now so much enjoy watching these mindless shows they have become quite popular. Nowadays it is quite common to have reality shows on television unlike back then. Personally, I completely disagree with those that consider reality shows good television, because those shows are immoral and do not teach us anything that is good and more the less act as a good influence for us.
            Many people decide to watch reality shows because they find them entertaining and an escape to their own personal lives. People watch and study ways of how to adapt things that reality show stars do, say, and wear to their own lives. They believe that by doing so they will become better or feel that they will feel what it is like to be famous by doing so. Although, they are completely wrong if they only do certain things, only because they believe that it is cool well, it is only complicating their lives even more. Those people do not realize that by acting differently than they normally do they are just adding more defects to their lives because they are being other people rather than themselves and people will not be able to know them for who they are and more the less like them.
            These shows are most definitely not good television because most of the reality television shows deal with a bunch of random people of a certain nationality or race just partying and not going anywhere with their lives. A good example of a reality television show that is not good television is Jersey Shore. Jersey Shore is about a couple of friends who have never really worked besides a yoghurt shop for only a couple of hours and all they do is party all night. The males of the house have sex with various different girls every single night and most of the females of the house have sex with various different males every single night as well.
Do you believe that is good television? If you do, then if I may ask, what is wrong with you? How can you possibly believe that such recklessness can be good television? All that is to me is pure junk and a very bad influence, it is simply implying that it is okay  to be neglectful and act like total jerks towards other people and not really work and still make a very good living by displaying your daily lives on television. Well, that sort of influence should be banned because that is exposed not only to adults or teenagers but also to children and their brain is like a sponge and therefore they will try to be like the reality show stars.

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