Sunday, November 28, 2010

Importance of math

Math is an important subject simply because we have to deal with math every single day. Many people disregard the fact that by knowing their math that they will not get ripped off when they are purchasing something or more the less so when it comes to trying to sell something. I am not implying that math is all in life because I must admit that I am not one that is at peace with math, but you must at least know some basic math in order to survive in life. Think back to the days of when you were in elementary school and you were taught simple addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication and you shall be okay. Math is one of the main subjects that is required of us to learn in school besides English. Many people decide to give up on math because they find it boring or hard, but they should simply be patient and try to work out the problems and everything should be fine. By obtaining some math skills you might find them quite handy and practical in life and you might even end up saving someone else's life due to math. Math is most definitely not something that should be taken quite lightly and by taking math seriously  you will be able to see the importance of math. These are some reasons of why you should  take math more seriously.

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