Monday, November 29, 2010

Visitors from another planet

As you may havae come to notice planet Earth is a beautiful planet filled with desirable qualities such as greenery, a lot of water. You may have also come to have noticed landfills and the pollution that is harming and destroying our gorgeous planet. Well, you may be asking yourselves, "How did such a gorgeous planet come to be polluted?" The answer to that my extraterrestrial friends is that our people produce millions of waste and have to find a place in which to place all of that waste and we cut down forests and destroy natural habitats in which to dump our waste. Although, one place in which to place our waste is not enough because we overfill it and will need a new place in which to place our waste. We also seem to require a lot of paper and well you see paper comes from trees so millions of acres are cut down in order to produce the paper that we "require", thus killing our beautiful environment and along with it exterminating all of the forests inhabitants which are animals that have slowly come to be extinct or simply have become rare species.  You may have also come to have notice that their is a lot of smoke in the sky that it makes it hard to breathe and see the sky as well. All of that smoke is produced by factories and cars that are used and produced by us the human beings of this planet. Along side those factories comes the waste that is dumped into our oceans and they just contaminate our waters. With years of this occurring it has started to make its harm by harming our planet and people need to make a major change in their life.

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