Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Obesity is a major issue and epidemic facing America today. America is viewed and cataloged us as unhealthy and we have to change this view that the world has upon us. What can we do to change this? Well for starters we should stop making genetically modified food and lower the prices on organic food and raise the prices on fast food restaurants. Another major issue involved with the fact that children and grow ups are obese is for the mere fact that their are fast food restaurants in every corner and donut shops not that far from them as well. With all of the unhealthy food that the Americans consume how are they not going to get obese? When people are obese they develop many other illnesses such as diabetes, liver failure, strokes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and several other health issues. Besides with obese people having to deal with these problems they also have to deal with bullying and taunting and the blame and shame that other people instill upon them. It was not their choice to become obese why should you point a finger when you don't even know their side of the story. Instead of pointing fingers and mocking obese people we should make a stand and make a change in order for our nation to be viewed differently. In order for this to take effect we will definitely need to change our eating habits and in order for some people to start eating healthier food the prices will need to come down first. Every small step makes a huge difference by replacing candy and chocolate with a fruit and a vegetable you will be healthier and will need to exercise at least 30 minutes two to three days a week.

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