Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Unlikely Allies

Have you ever heard the saying that "opposites attract"? Well if you haven't and completely disagree with it then I must say that it is completely true. Two people that are completely different can become allies for benefits for each other. For example, one person might have various strong points  and weak points, while the other person's strong points may be the weak points from the other person and their weak points may just be the other person's strong points. With each person having different strong points and weak points they can most definitely work together in order to help each other out. It's the same thing when people have different interests and backgrounds because they can come together and help each other out in a time of need and a need for advice. By cooperating with others no matter their interests and background it can be very beneficiary not only to you but to the other person as well you can share a lot of things and won't have to worry about the other person taking your things if he or she does not like them or are not of their interest. You can open your surroundings and knowledge by interacting with someone who has a completely different taste, interests and background as yourself. You will be less ignorant when it comes to other subjects and things that you probably disliked or simply didn't acknowledge or know of. Also, by putting our differences aside we can survive instead of just fighting all of the time and going against each other for silly things. With us teenagers and grown-ups interacting with one another and cooperating we will teach the children a valuable lesson that they should interact with people even if they are of a different background and have different interests than you. 

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